Affiliate Shows
Many shows around the country have classes affiliated to the British Spotted Pony Society
Affiliate Shows
Lots of shows around the UK offer our rosettes for top placed members with registered ponies in Spotted classes.
Many also have Qualifier Classes for the Winners Championship at the National Breed show in July.
To qualify you must be a current member of the Society and wear your membership badge with current year ribbon

2025 Dates

South Staffs Show Series
13th April, 27th April, 25th May, 7th June, 22nd June, 27th July, 17th August, 28th September
Prestwood Drive, Stourton, West Midlands, DY7 5QT
In Hand and Ridden Classes

Sour Valley RC Show
11th May
The Showground, Farley Way Quorn, Loughborough
In Hand and Ridden Classes

Royal Cornwall Show
5th to the 7th June
Wadebridge, Cornwall
Dedicated Spotted Section and Championship- Registered Ponies only
Restrictions apply, please see show schedue

DJL Open Show
22nd June
Leyland Court Farm BS36 1RY
In hand and ridden spotted classes
What British Spotted Pony Owners Say

I had never heard of the British spotted pony before I ended up with one, he is the smartest most loving pony I have ever met, everyone who meets him loves him,I wish I had had a British spotted pony when I was a kid!

Jenna Foskett

Beautiful, incredibly smart with hearts of gold

Asenath Back Chamness
Looking for your next Spotty friend?
The Society offers free advertising to members for their Stallions at stud or ponies and youngstock for sale.
Alternatively you can visit our Welfare page where we have ponies looking for their new loving homes due to changes in current owner circumstances.