Please take good care of the passport, it is a legal document & is issued for the life of the animal.
Legal Responsibilities of owners in relation to Equine Passports:
It is a legal requirement for all horses & ponies to be issued with a passport. Horse passport law is governed by Commission Regulation EC 504/2008 & in England by the Horse Passport regulations 2009, and where applicable any subsequent amendments or successors to these regulations. Passports are required throughout the EU for identification, effective disease control and in order to protect the human food chain.
Owners & keepers with primary responsibility must ensure that their horses/ponies are correctly identified and must be able to produce the passport without delay when required. All horses & ponies are required to have a passport from 6 months of age or by 31st December in the year of their birth, whichever is the later
Frequently Asked
A passport must be kept with the horse/pony at all times.
It is illegal to travel an animal without it’s passport unless they are being transported for emergency veterinary treatment.

When am I required to produce my pony's passport?
The passport must be produced within three hours of it being requested by the enforcement agencies. The passport may be requested at any time but the most common instances include;
- When the animal is moved to or from GB
- When the animal is competing
- When the animal is moved to new premises
- When the animal is taken for slaughter
- When the animal is sold
- When the animal is used for breeding

When does the passport not have to accompany my pony?
The following situations are exceptions to the above legal requirements;
- When stabled or at pasture and the passport can be produced without delay
- When the animal is moved temporarily on foot within the vicinity of the holding and the passport can be produced without delay.
- When it is moved on foot between summer and winter grazing and the passport is presented at the holding of departure.
- Unweaned and accompanied by their dam or a foster mare.
- When participating in training or competition which require them to leave the venue.
- When moved or transported under emergency conditions.

My pony does not have a passport, can i get one?
Passports may still be acquired for animals older than the passport deadline provided that there is no existing passport. Before issuing the passport it will be signed out of the human food chain in Section IX

If I sell my pony, what happens with the passport?
The passport does not constitute proof of ownership. If a pony goes on loan the passport must accompany them but a change of ownership is not required. It is highly advisable to have a loan agreement in place.
It is a requirement under Horse Passport (England) Legislation to register a change of ownership within 30 days of acquiring the animal.
It is an offence to sell a horse without a passport. Sale/purchase of any pony/horse must not be completed if the passport is not produced. The purchaser would be committing an offence in moving the animal to new premises without a valid passport.

Which professional will require to see the passport?
Veterinary Surgeons will require the passport when prescribing many common medicines (for example Bute) and will ensure that the animal in question is permanently excluded from the food chain by signing Section IX of the passport.
The Meat Hygiene Service (MHS) is responsible for enforcing the checks carried out at slaughterhouses.
Local Authorities (Trading Standards) are responsible for enforcing the law elsewhere.
As with all government legislation there are penalties which can be applied by the courts for non compliance.

How do I get a passport for my pony?
Applications for equine passports can only be accepted for microchipped animals, the owner (or keeper) must ensure that the equine does not already have a passport.
No animal may have more than one passport.
Passports remain the property of the British Spotted Pony Society and must be returned:
- If the animal changes ownership (within 30 days)
- If any alterations are required (update to adult, gelding, change of colour)
- If extra pages are required for vaccinations etc
- If the animal dies (within 30 days)
- If the animal is signed out of the food chain (within 14 days))

I have lost my passport, what should I do?
If the passport is lost a duplicate may be requested. This will be signed out of the human food chain and marked duplicate.
Should the original later be found it must be returned to the British Spotted Pony Society immediately.

What happens to the passport when my pony dies?
If an animal dies the passport must be returned to the British Spotted Pony Society within 30 days for cancellation.
The owner may request the return of the passport which will be clearly marked invalid.
There are many companies that make passport holders. You can also get ones with the British Spotted pony Society logo on!
What British Spotted Pony Owners Say

I had never heard of the British spotted pony before I ended up with one, he is the smartest most loving pony I have ever met, everyone who meets him loves him,I wish I had had a British spotted pony when I was a kid!

Jenna Foskett

Beautiful, incredibly smart with hearts of gold

Asenath Back Chamness
Looking for your next Spotty friend?
The Society offers free advertising to members for their Stallions at stud or ponies and youngstock for sale.
Alternatively you can visit our Welfare page where we have ponies looking for their new loving homes due to changes in current owner circumstances.